Manohar R. Jhunjhunwala (MRJ) adds a new layer of style to interior spaces, says Paula Dsouza.
There comes a time when art must recreate itself, unwilling to be bound by the shackles of commonality. And that’s exactly what Manohar R. Jhunjhunwala, Managing Director, MRJ Trading Pvt. Ltd., has done with his new range of laminates titled ‘TIS: The Inside Story’.
With experience and insight, garnered over five decades, he has been a force to reckon with in the decorative laminates industry, and has mesmerized with many a collection that brings out the best in modern interior spaces. TIS promises to be another feather in that hat.

From a rocky start to new additions
Originally slated to be launched in the early 2000s, TIS hit a roadblock in the form of unfavourable conditions. However, the COVID-19 pandemic reignited his creative spark and pushed the ideas into existence. He reveals, “The idea to launch this unique range of products was to complement our laminates with decorative veneers used on surfaces. The Inside Story was our original concept but we decided to shorten it to TIS and use The Inside Story as a tagline to better suit our theme.”
Behind the story
The Inside Story range mainly consists of high-pressure laminates (HPL). They are decorative in nature and are manufactured by completely submerging layers of kraft paper in a specific type of resin. A layer of decor paper is then placed on top and it is pressed, causing the layers to fuse, resulting in a decorative laminate!

What is advantageous about these laminates is that they are highly durable and can be used for commercial, residential and industrial purposes. They are also scratch resistant and easy to maintain. It is no surprise that demand for high-pressure laminates has skyrocketed over the years.
A range apart
MRJ tells us that he prioritized the desires of most designers and architects when sourcing prints. This selective range would be able to complement most natural veneers used on the surface of a variety of furniture pieces. Its lack of exhaustiveness is what sets his collection apart. He says, “Most manufacturers feel that the range of the designs should be exhaustive to fulfil the requirements of every customer. I, on the other hand, wanted to launch a range that fulfils the desire of every individual, whether an architect or interior designer,” he asserts.
“Being in the trade since the inception of decorative laminates in India, I have been watching and studying the rapid change of trends in the industry. Some brands just introduced designs with the intention of making volume sales. On the contrary, I was always thinking about fulfilling the need of the niche market, who want to see the designs that complement texture and create a “wow” effect synonymous with natural veneer,” he adds.

Simple and original
An out-of-the-box thinker, MRJ refused to follow in the footsteps of those already in the industry and turned to something resembling innovation. He used his insight to curate an experience that any designer would be thrilled to be a part of. His goal then specifically became to ensure that his handbook of swatches could never be mixed up with that of another, and would be guaranteed a special place in the office of every architect and designer. The beauty of The Inside Story is that its handbook was created to occupy the least space. The final presentation included a set of four handbooks, which were as concise as possible, yet designed to aid the designer in his/her decisions. The collection is made up of 110 swatches that include wood patterns, solid colours, and exclusive abstracts. After witnessing changes in the international market, 35 new designs were added to his sample set.

The most convenient aspect of this collection is that each sample piece is allocated a barcode, which on being scanned opens up the original full-sized sheet on anyone’s phone – bye-bye bulky sample folders.
Leading the way
Manohar R. Jhunjhunwala has also proved to be a marketing genius. He took a backseat and allowed his son Karan M. Jhunjhunwala to launch this unique range across the country. There was no venturing into cities for promotions, yet they caught the attention of designers from all over the country. “We have no desire to sell in volume, but to offer an exceptional range, backed by excellent quality to satisfy the desire of every innovative designer.”

What more could an interior designer ask for? But don’t just take our word for it, check out the TIS range yourself at