Priyanka Chopra Lives It Up At Beyoncé’s ‘Renaissance Tour’

Our desi girl can’t hold back, and who can blame her? Beyoncé has taken the world by storm with her Renaissance World Tour and the BeyHive consists of some of the world’s most famous.

Priyanka titled her post from the concert: “I dream it, I work hard, I grind ’til I own it. I twirl on my haters” – lyrics from Beyoncé’s song ‘Formation’.

Looks like PC can relate to another accomplished woman, bold enough to live life on her own terms. She also thanked her husband, Nick, for taking her; and Beyoncé and Jay-Z for hosting her family and friends!

Entertainment #RenaissanceWorldTour #Beyonce #PriyankaChopra #NickJonas #BeyHive

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