Wall Pilates With Nawaz Modi Singhania

Wall Pilates is similar to Mat Pilates, just more advanced. Though not as advanced as equipment-based Pilates – it falls somewhere in between. As the name suggests, this form of Pilates uses no equipment, just a wall but you’ll get a fantastic workout in! The wall acts as resistance, a stabilising factor and an aligning tool. You can expect to find a completely new, lean, petite, toned, erect body, with years having been taken off your frame in no time! Additionally, the benefits of regular exercise will be seen here as well.

Let’s explore a simple routine of just five simple exercises below, which will work the whole body in a few short minutes.

Wall Push-Up Plank
No rocket science required here – it is the plank position, done in the push-up position with your feet up against the wall. If the feet are turned outward into a ‘V’ formation, then more of the lower body muscle is involved, in addition to the upper body and the midsection. It makes for a great comprehensive full-body workout. Hold this position for 8-10 counts while keeping your elbows slightly soft and come out of the position by placing one foot at a time on the floor. Do 3 repetitions.

Wall Squat
Lean against the wall, with your legs shoulder or hip width apart, feet far away from the wall. While squatting down, extend the arms overhead while keeping the back fully plastered against the wall all through the exercise. Ensure the thighs are parallel to the floor, unless you have a knee problem, in which case stay on the higher end. Your knees should never cross your toes. Hold this position for 6-8 slow counts while keeping the butt muscles squeezed, before sliding back up to standing position and lowering the arms as you do so. Do 6-8 repetitions.

Seated Bridge
While seated on the floor, facing the wall, position your hands behind your hips, fingers, pointing forward, and your feet up on the wall at about knee height. Lift the hips up in this position and hold for 8-10 counts before lowering and sitting on the floor. Make sure your elbows remain slightly bent/ soft during the whole exercise. Do 3-5 repetitions.

Wall Bridge
With your feet positioned up against the wall at knee level, shoulder or hip width apart while lying down on your back, slowly start bridging up from the tailbone to the cervical vertebral. Hold the position for 6-8 counts, squeezing your butt/ glutes and then slowly lower your back to the floor from the cervical vertebrae, one-by-one, all the way down eventually to the tailbone. Do 8 repetitions.

Wall Bridge With Leg Up
Assume the Wall Bridge position, then lift one leg up and extend it back towards the body, as far back as you can, while keeping it straight. Hold this position for a few moments. Return the foot back to the wall, change legs and repeat. Then bridge back down. Do 3-4 repetitions.

Things To Remember

Don’t hold your breath during the exercises. Try to exhale during the more difficult part, while inhaling on the easier part.
If you find the repetitions too many during any exercise, feel free to do fewer. Quality over quantity, any day!
As you go forward with these exercises, you’ll find them getting easier as you get stronger and more adept at performing them. You can then add more reps as per your ability.
Do these exercises three times a week and be amazed and delighted by the new you, by the new fab body you’ll quickly earn! These exercises take 7-10 minutes in total.

Enjoy making heads turn!!

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