Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani shines brightest when she is helping others. As a motivational speaker and spiritual mentor, she has helped thousands of people, including celebrities and business stalwarts, understand their inner selves and find a sense of balance.
By Shivendra Parihar

Shivani Verma, known to us as Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani, is a motivational speaker and spiritual mentor representing the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. Her television series ‘Awakening with Brahma Kumaris’ made her a household name. Her focus has been on living values, self-management, inner powers, harmony in relationships, understanding the law of karma, healing, self-empowerment and self-discipline. As her fame grew, so did her impact and reach as she continues to connect with and guide people through different forms of media.

It takes grit and passion to get where you are today. But looking back, what ignited the spark that set you off on this journey? And what is it that keeps you going?
The journey you have mentioned was never a part of my desire or even my imagination. I was just on my own path, seeking to understand and apply spiritual principles. It is a deep human instinct to want to share what enriches us, so I used to go to a retreat centre and share my understanding with small groups gathered there. The TV show ‘Awakening with Brahma Kumaris’ was something I neither desired nor planned. In fact, when I was asked to go on-screen and answer the host’s questions for the show, I resisted the very idea. But they persuaded me till I agreed. To my surprise, the show was incredibly well-received. Its unexpected success opened doors to numerous public events, seminars, conferences, workshops, and social media platforms to share what I learnt.
My source of inspiration is witnessing the continuous evolution and positive impact that spiritual knowledge and meditation have on people’s lives. When someone shares that they have emerged from a depressed state because of applying the knowledge, it reaffirms the power of our shared journey.
Can you share a lesson you’ve learnt from a mistake or failure? How has that helped you move forward?
Reflecting on my journey, I realise there were those initial moments when I resisted this calling. Despite being repeatedly asked to do the TV programme, I had said, ‘I cannot do it’. In hindsight, I see that it was a mistake since at that time, I had not yet completely understood the spiritual principle of surrendering my intellect to a higher power and allowing myself to be used in seva as an instrument of the Divine.

Reaching for the sky requires strong roots. Tell us a little about your support system.
The gyan or spiritual wisdom imparted at the Brahma Kumaris has been the mainstay that has provided me with a firm foundation of continuous support, guidance and inspiration. It has added clarity and purpose to every aspect of life. My support system is also deeply rooted in the Brahma Kumaris family and the thousands of centres spread across the globe. This remarkable organizational network has been instrumental in fostering my spiritual awakening, as it tirelessly organizes empowering programmes throughout the year, allowing me to be part of the events and enrich my own journey.
As a spiritual teacher, how do you believe spiritual practices contribute to the leadership journey of women?
Leadership is not merely a role; it is a core virtue. True leadership embodies qualities akin to motherhood: Guiding, accepting, motivating, empowering and transforming. Strengthening oneself allows this nurturing to expand from a few individuals to hundreds or even thousands within the organisation.
For leaders, embracing spiritual principles brings several transformative benefits, including:
Soul Consciousness: Allows you to engage with others as souls rather than roles or titles, transcending the limitations of ego.
Emotional Intelligence: Allows you to consciously create your emotion as a choice, rather than react impulsively in an automated mode.
Heightened Intuition: Enables you to quickly make decisions with greater clarity and insight.
Active Listening: Silences the mind, allowing you to listen actively and empathetically.
Emotional Resilience: Empowers you to remain calm in a crisis, providing steady guidance.
Servant Leadership: Inspires you to serve customers, partners, and fellow employees, rather than pursuing power or authority.
Authenticity: Harmony in thoughts, words and actions ensure authenticity and transparency naturally.
Forgiveness: It enables you to forgive and let go quickly, fostering a positive environment.
Assertiveness: It transforms your anger into assertiveness.

In your experience, what techniques or practices can help women leaders stay centered and maintain emotional well-being amidst professional and personal life demands?
Leaders can follow these simple practices to integrate emotional well-being into their routine:
Morning Meditation
Emotional Nourishment
Content Consumption
Personal Responsibility
Traffic Control Of Thoughts
Satvik Diet
Disconnect From Work
Digital Detox
Deep Sleep
What steps can women take to challenge stereotypes like gender bias and promote equality in their personal and professional lives?
Gender, when seen as an identity rather than just the physiology of the body, significantly impacts how we think, feel, behave and experience life. Today, it also influences how others perceive us. However, it is vital to understand that gender pertains only to the body, not the soul. Just as we wear different clothes, we wear different bodily costumes — male or female. Across lifetimes, each of us has worn both costumes. Gender changes, but the soul remains constant.
Our qualities and sanskars (emotional patterns) are attributes of the soul, not tied to the body’s gender. But society has conditioned us to associate certain traits with specific genders. Traditionally, resilience, compassion and gentleness are labelled as feminine, while strength, authority and competitiveness are deemed masculine. This conditioning creates rigid roles and expectations, limiting individual potential.
Both men and women possess a spectrum of similar qualities. But their personalities are shaped by their sanskars, past experiences and social conditioning — not by their biological gender. For instance, a man might be nurturing, and a woman might be assertive. These traits are determined by the soul’s journey, not the body.
Women and men alike are thus equal, but different based on their sanskars. There is no need to compare or compete. As women leaders, you can therefore focus on elevating your own sanskars and vibrations. The true essence lies in strengthening ‘who you are’ while excelling in ‘what you do’.
As women rise in leadership positions in different fields, how can they balance ambition with empathy and compassion?
As women ascend to leadership positions across various fields, adopting spiritual practices for self-empowerment enables ambition and empathy to harmoniously coexist. Spirituality focuses on strengthening the soul, which enhances soul power. A powerful soul naturally experiences contentment as a primary quality.
This means that while you diligently work towards your next goal, your state of mind remains untouched by the external outcome. Working with a calm mind lets you embrace the inside-out approach, where you create the desired results externally, from a place of inner power.
When you empower yourself spiritually, your ambitions are aligned with your core values of being a ‘giver’. So, your leadership becomes an act of service, driven by a genuine desire to give and support others.
Sister Shivani, could you share your perspective on how the power of intuition and inner guidance can enhance decision-making for women leaders?
Intuition is one of our most precious gifts. It is cultivated through meditation and surrender. When you start to listen and obey this ‘inner tutor’ which speaks from a place of deep wisdom and alignment to higher values, your actions and choices will be nothing but accurate. When our mind is silent, intuition flourishes and we see solutions and answers. But when the mind is turbulent due to stress, agitation or worry, we cannot see the answers given by intuition. A meditative lifestyle fosters a silent mind, not only soon after the morning meditation but throughout the entire day.