Mickey Mehta’s commandments for healthy living

Wellness guru, Dr Mickey Mehta, constructs well-being commandments based on Vedic wisdom… and explains why nature is often the only medicine we need.
Centuries ago, our ancestors were blessed with a long lifespan owing to their simple Vedic-inspired ways of living. As civilizations evolved, humans in pursuit of making life more comfortable, lavish and extravagant, have brought about a decline in our physical and mental health and wellness. We have all become obsessive souls who are never satisfied with the simple way of life. We have become mechanized and slaves of insatiable wants and greed.

Looking back

While there is still a strong focus on technological advancements, there are those who are working on rediscovering the treasures of ancient knowledge and wisdom. Even leading scientists are once again accepting that our ancestors were truly enlightened in matters of holistic health and life sciences. In the constant pursuit to bring about the wellness revolution, I have created

The Monu-Mental Health Code – a prized reservoir of knowledge, which contains over three-and-a-half decades of research and study of diverse ancient civilizations and cultural legacies from the Vedas to Zen, Greek to Oriental, and from Tao to Tantra. This mental health code takes the form of 10 commandments for healthy, holistic living.

The 10 Commandments

  1. Start the day by sitting in the garden or near a window to soak in fresh oxygen. Practising deep breathing exercises before breakfast is an ideal way to jump start the brain and ensure it functions optimally throughout the day.
  2. Adopt cosmic nutrition for the mind, body and spirit. Soak up some sunshine just after sunrise to infuse prana into your system. Doing so, allows confusion to give way to clarity across all dimensions of life. Better clarity boosts focus; focus breeds creativity; creativity fosters excellence.
  3. Infuse yogic elements into daily workouts to help the body and mind; and bring a sense of determination, patience, resilience, tenacity, strength and character to your personality. Go Green workouts inspire you to get away from artificial machines and plug into your heart and the earth.
  4. Learn Zen rituals to unleash the power of the subconscious mind by decluttering it, and demolishing old mental constructs and limitations.
  5. Use Neurobics to help the brain stay fit, and keep the mind alert and sharp at every age. Exercises using balls, cross training, pilates and yoga are brilliant examples of physical stimuli that boost mental acumen.
  6. Master the art of response over react. Living consciously, and focusing on forgiveness, blessings and giving is the secret to mastering responding to situations rather than reacting. A person who knows how to share is the one who knows how to grow. As Zen consciousness says, ‘Until you empty the cup, you will never be able to refill it’.
  7. Transform from unease to ease naturally by remaining centered, calm, and maintaining tranquility. Yogic poses such as padmasana, sukhasan or sidhasan allow the bountiful energy of mother earth to heal the uneasiness of the mind, body and spirit, and re-energize you naturally
  8. Experience sound sleep by meditating just before sleeping. This will heal the body and mind naturally. It helps eliminate toxins and repairs the body. By being in a restful state at night, you wake up rejuvenated, refreshed and ready to push your body’s limits as you tackle another day’s hard work.
  9. Empty the mind. The journey from mindfulness to mindlessness is the goal of meditation. Declutter thoughts and be centered in the neutral, which is the shoonyam quotient to experience bliss and happiness. Combine the power of chants and meditation to experience Shoonyamness – the nirvana of being.
  10. Holistically heal the body, mind and soul with clean, green foods. Nutrition plays a vital role in transforming your life from unease to ease, and disorder to order.

My wellness commandments for holistic living:

  1. Live in mental ease for a disease-free world.
  2. Inspire a wellness revolution for holistic human evolution.
    3. Let wellness be your ‘Religion No. 1’.
  3. Medicine cures, nature heals.
  4. Sleep with a wish to heal yourself and wake up with a promise to heal the world.
  5. For strong biceps, uplift the poor.
  6. For strong shoulders, take responsibility for the underprivileged.
    8. For strong legs, be rooted in humility.
  7. For strong eyes, have a collective vision of peace, prosperity and plenty for the universe.
  8. Get naturalized, energized, optimized and maximized. Get Mickeymized!

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