A Jill of all trades, the gorgeous Maria Goretti shares her secrets to staying fit and keeping her charm with Hannah Cardozo.
From cooking to publishing to hosting, Maria Goretti has fearlessly pursued her passions. She started as an MTV VJ and went on to host cooking shows. However, her journey doesn’t end there. Maria has ventured into the world of literature as a published author, penning not only recipe books but also poetry. Now, Maria shares details of her journey as she navigates the realms of fitness and aging.
What has your journey with fitness looked like over the years? And what does your current daily workout look like?

When I was younger, I discovered that I loved to run. I danced professionally, it was like a workout. During my pregnancy, I switched to yoga. But as soon as I could run again, I returned to it. Then, in 2019, I injured my knee and felt lost. I loved the early morning runs. So, I joined an aerial yoga class, which helped my knees improve. Now, fitness trainer Vilayat Husain does weights with me. He’s known me for so long, so he understands my weak spots and strengthens them as needed.
Food plays a significant role in your life, from cooking shows to books. How does your relationship with food impact your fitness goals?
I must say a big thank you to my parents for blessing me with amazing genes. I’ve always had a good metabolism and a hearty appetite. I enjoy a wide variety of foods. I make sure to include sufficient vegetables, water, and fruits in my diet. I love rice and indulge in desserts. But I see to it that it stays within a fine range. I eat vegetarian food 70% of the time because I enjoy it. Keep 70% of your diet healthy and have fun with the 30%. Each body is different; my genes allow me to do this and so I take full advantage of it.

Your book ‘From My Kitchen To Yours’ details meals for people. What is the best way to plan a meal?
Prep is your biggest tip, even in my house I have various types of food that’s made. Because I have two teenage kids, my parents, who are old, and then there’s me in the middle. And when Arshad is not shooting, then there’s him. So I work with a complete meal plan. The most important thing is your prep. The moment you put it down on paper and say this is what I want to eat for this week, it becomes easier, you don’t have to think.

Aerial Silk looks incredibly tough and elegant at the same time; what are some of its benefits and why would you recommend it to others?

It’s incredibly beautiful; I think I enjoy it because it’s like dancing but suspended above the ground. The amount of core and arm strength it requires is remarkable. It’s been quite a journey, thanks to fitness trainer Dipika Vijay, who is like a dream on the silk. She’s the most beautiful inspiration to have. However, I wouldn’t just recommend aerial silk, I’d also emphasize incorporating weight training into your workout routine. Over time, muscles lose their tone, and for me, aerial yoga stretches me and pulls me in different directions. Along with weight training, it’s a beautiful combination.
You have been vocal about fitness post-menopause, can you tell us about how this stage of life has influenced your fitness?

While going through my perimenopause and menopause, I put on a lot of weight. I realised it wasn’t due to any significant changes in my lifestyle; rather, it was because of hormone fluctuations. You can’t do much about it; it’s a natural progression. At the time, I was studying for my Diploma in Pastry, so coupled with menopause, I was also indulging in all kinds of pastries. When I crossed over, my body went back to being what it was. The body is a very intelligent organ, it knows what it’s doing.
You post about personal emotional healing on Instagram. How important is healing emotionally part of one’s fitness journey?

Extremely important. What we do to our bodies when we are not healed is keep stress, and stress emits cortisol, which is not the best for us. One of the first things to do if you feel you have gone through any kind of trauma is to spend time with yourself and do all that you need to do to heal. It’s an everyday process, an everyday struggle, an everyday talk with yourself. But the thing is, once that becomes as normal as drinking water, you slowly see that not everything that used to hassle you hassles you anymore.
Can you give us a few food tips to help people achieve their fitness goals?
One size does not fit all. We all have to kind of fine-tune our bodies and say, “Okay, what works for me? How do I feel?” My whole barometer is when I go to sleep at night. If I am feeling light and not stuffed, and I wake up in the morning lighter and feeling great, then I know that I have eaten well.
As a busy, multifaceted woman, how do you carve out time for fitness and what keeps you motivated?
I always tell Vilayat, when I’m working out and carrying weights, that I don’t like him. But the moment my workout for that day is done, I feel so full of energy and so good. The same is true when I do aerial; I love that one hour. For me, somewhere, that is non-negotiable. At the moment, it’s easier because my children go to school and college early in the morning. So I’m up early.
How do you maintain your elegant and stunning appearance? And what steps can others take to achieve the same level of charm?
I think one of the first things we have to do is accept the fact that none of us can look how we looked when we were 18 or 25. Four years from today, you’re not going to look the same. The moment you accept it gracefully, I think that’s where your charm lies. Because when I look at myself today, I am my most beautiful self at the moment. You need to be happy and at peace with your body and your physical appearance. And I think once you can do that, you’ll be fine. Because all of us are unique. All of us will grow older in a very different way from anyone else, and that’s our unique journey.